Empower your portfolio with Freight Factoring

Invest in short-term freight invoices and earn competitive returns. Our automated, transparent platform ensures that you see exactly how rates are calculated and how risk is managed—so you can grow your portfolio with confidence.

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Dynamic & Transparent

Everything you need to invest with clarity

Freight factoring provides short-term, invoice-backed investments with real-time risk evaluation. Our platform gives you the tools to make informed decisions, diversify effectively, and stay ahead of market trends.

Diversified Invoices

Quickly see how your capital is spread across different shippers and lanes, reducing concentration risk. Our built-in Herfindahl-Hirschman Index scoring helps you track and optimize diversification.

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Automated Underwriting

We evaluate each shipper’s credit score, payment history, and average days to pay in real-time. Our platform then auto-adjusts interest rate deductions, so you capture returns that match the underlying risk.

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Transparent Rate Calculations

See how your lender rate is derived—from risk-free rate benchmarks to the final annualized return. Our straightforward calculation engine ensures fairness and clarity, every step of the way.

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Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team.

How is my return on investment calculated?
We use a dynamic model that factors in your portfolio’s diversification, the shipper’s creditworthiness, and the current risk-free rate. You’ll always see a clear breakdown of daily interest rates and estimated annualized returns.
What happens if a shipper delays payment?
Our platform automatically adjusts risk scores in real time. If a shipper’s average days to pay increase, that risk is factored into the next invoice’s interest rates, potentially increasing your future returns to compensate.
Is Freight Factoring legal in my jurisdiction?
We comply with all relevant regulations regarding factoring and lending. However, regulations can vary by state and country, so please review local laws or consult a legal expert to ensure compliance.

Start investing in Freight Factoring today.

Get started with just a few clicks and watch your capital work harder. Our platform provides the stability of asset-backed invoices, along with dynamic rate calculations that reward smart, diversified investments.